Upcoming events.

@ Jena—Literary Ladies of LaSalle Book club
Join Reagan, Elayna and their friends as they discuss this month book club read.

@ Olla—Volcano story and craft
Ms. Brayden will share a story and work on a craft with children.

@ Jena—Grief Support Group
Join Casie and others who help support each other through painful times.

@ Olla—How to make a Leprechaun trap
Ms. Brayden will share a story and work on a craft with children.

@ Olla—The day the crayons quit story and craft
Ms. Brayden will share a story and work on a craft with children.

@Jena—Mending 101 with Betsy
Join us as Betsy shows us how to mend a tear or snag in a garment, add or repair a button and hem pants or a skirt. bring your own supplies or use scraps that will be provided.

@ Jena—Grief Support Group
Join Casie and others who help support each other through painful times.

@ Olla—Mardi Gras story and mask making
Ms. Brayden will help children create special mardi gras masks and share a story.

@ Olla—Mending 101 with Betsy
Join us as Betsy shows us how to mend a tear or snag in a garment, add or repair a button and hem pants or a skirt. bring your own supplies or use scraps that will be provided.

@ Jena—Crochet Project Group
Join us and work on a crochet project of your choosing. Bring your supplies and pattern and work on your project with others who are also designing and creating their own crochet art.

@ Jena—Home school Book club
Join us as we discuss the final chapters (20-end) of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and work on a craft (designing our own candy).

@ Jena—Mardi Gras Mask Making
Join Shelly and our crafting crew as we create masks to celebrate Mardi Gras.

@ Jena—Diamond Dots
Join Shelly and our crafting crew as we diamond dot together. You are welcome to bring your own project from home or choose one to start from the supplies we have here at the library.

@ Jena—Literary Ladies of LaSalle Book club
Join Reagan, Elayna and their friends as they discuss this month book club read.

@ Jena—Creative Journaling
Join Shelly and our crafting crew as we learn about creative journaling and start designing our own. All supplies are provided but you are welcome to bring your own as well.

@ Jena—Let’s Get Organized
Join Shelly and learn about how to organize your home and life.

@ Jena—Grief Support Group
Join Casie and others who help support each other through painful times.

@ Jena—Crochet Project Group
Join us and work on a crochet project of your choosing. Bring your supplies and pattern and work on your project with others who are also designing and creating their own crochet art.

@ Jena—Home school Book club
Join us as we discuss chapters 10-19 of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. We will also work on a special Valentine craft.

@ Jena—Valentine Pipe Cleaner Flowers and a card
Join us for a Valentine craft where we will use pipe cleaners to create flower bouquets and craft a card for a special someone.
@ Olla—Friendship Bracelets
Ms. Brayden will help children create special friendship bracelets.

Let's Get Organized - Olla Library
Clutter everywhere? Don’t know where to start? Time management issues? Shelly has ALL the tips!

Crochet Level 3 - Jena Library
Crochet Level 3 is designed to take your crochet skills a notch higher! Pick a project, learn patterns and abbreviations… This class is jam packed with info! Call 318-992-5675

Creative Journaling - Jena Library
Creative journaling is a fun course for learning how to get creative with to-do lists, chores lists, bible journaling, and so much more! Call us at 318-992-5675 to sign up!

Crochet Level 2 - Jena
In Crochet Level 2 you will go beyond the basics and learn how to increase and decrease, create a magic ring and more. Call 318-992-5675 to sign up.

Money Management & Budgeting Basics - Jena
Learn beginning budgeting and money management tips in this class led by Shelly. Sign up at 318-992-5675.

Crochet Level 1 - Jena library
Calling all crochet beginners. Learn basic skills to start this beautiful timeless craft. Call 318-992-5675 to sign up.

Diamond Dot Art - Olla Library
Olla Library - Diamond Dot Art is coming to you! Join us for for the fun and relaxing craft. We have bookmarks, earrings, and other projects to choose from. Call 318-495-5570 to sign up!

Meal Planning - Jena Library
Meal planning with Shelly. Learn tips and tricks to plan budget friendly meals! Please call the Jena Library to register - 318-992-5675.

Beading - Jena Library
Join us for beading with Shelly! Learn beginner techniques to beading so that you can make your own jewelry and other crafts. Please call the library at 318-992-5675 to sign up!